Friday, August 29, 2008
'Twas 17 days After
This is what my face looks like 17 days after the Mohs surgery. The picture helped me to see the little white stitch the doctor's office said I could remove myself if it "popped up." I'm not stressing to re-photograph without it - you'll just have to have faith in my medical skill.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Magic carpet ride, anyone?
At last, Burgess flies again! Summer's injuries are healed and the hips are rehabilitated enough that we gave it a try. My boy looks good, doesn't he? At the annual Splashdogs event at the Nevada State Fair last weekend, Burgess had his first jump since the World Championship last November 2007. We tried sending him down the ramp (as opposed to jumping off the dock) but he started launching himself and lost his footing on the slippery ramp. It seemed safer to jump off the dock at that point. So we tried it with some baby tosses and he jumped beyond the throw everytime - no apparent problems and no pain behaviors the next day, either. My arm is quite rusty after a summer off the docks, so my performance was nothing to write about. But what a weight off my shoulders to see my boy jumping again.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I'm Still Here
Sorry 'bout the unplanned and prolonged hiatus. Have not forgotten you, but life has been going faster than I can keep up lately. I'll return tomorrow with new and interesting photos and follow-ups.
Just wanted you to know I've missed you.
Your Sassiness
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
'Twas the Day After
'Twas the day after my skin cancer surgery, and this is how my wound looked. Luckily, only one layer had to be removed to be cancer free upon microscopic inspection. Still, I was there 4 hours - most of that waiting for the tissue sample to freeze. Recheck every three months, but cure rate is 97%. However, now that I've had one basal cell carcinoma, my risk of getting another somewhere else is 40% greater.
"I'm going to put the incision in one of your existing lines (wrinkles), so it won't be too noticeable." Well, that's kind. As long as my smile can still circumnavigate my head while i'm skiing, who cares?
Monday, August 11, 2008
'Twas the Night Before
'Twas the night before my skin cancer surgery, and this is what my basal cell carcincoma looked like (small red patch.)
"Look, this is where there will be a scar," said the dermatologist as she thrust a mirror into my hand. Hopefully there won't be a giant spiderweb of skin cancer under this spot and it won't be too bad. And if there is, I guess you can look for me to star in the next Batman movie.
I'm having the Mohs procedure at 11am tomorrow. Just wanted to document what my face looked like before and after and how long it takes to heal and all that.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Can We Talk Quinoa?
Why not? Everyone else is. The super nutrient-loaded grain from South America that's actually a seed and comes in 2 or 3 colors. People in the know have been eating it for centuries. People out of the know are just getting started, and that would be me and mine. My chef friend, Gerard is going to make quinoa patties the new burger and yes, you can have fries with that, too. This tasty delight even satisfies a girl from the midwest who was raised on burgers.
Now, on to the quinoa salad. Can I get a witness? We got a protein power punch vegan feast here with heirloom black beans from Rancho Gordo, fresh corn off the cob, chopped yellow pepper, avocado, green onion, cilantro and cumin. The coolest thing about this salad is that practically anything goes in it - we made it progressive style - my friend Minh got it started, then I came along and added a few things, and Gerard finished it with the dressing. So invite your friends over, tell 'em to bring a couple things from the fridge and throw one together yourself. Your mouth and your body will thank you.
Speaking of having friends over, it looked like this when Gerard and Linda invited a few very lucky people. Looks like Tuscany under the grapevines, doesn't it? Maybe that's why they call it Reno Envy, baby. Check out Minh's photo album for more mouth-watering views.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Left wheelchair, saw mountaintop, skied down
You've heard of the 6-word biography, haven't you? (I'll provide the links later when I update this) - anyway, this morning I was reading the six-word slam in a blog about women's fitness. Yes, I was reading about fitness, go ahead and tee-hee, I did. Irony really tickles me pink. Anyway, women were asked to write something that "encompasses all that fitness is and does for us." After reading many a cool response, like "hotter at 37 than at 17," I was inspired to write something about being outside, moving, and what makes my heart sing. So, you're surprised that I, Miss-Wordy-Thing could actually say it in six? Yeah, me, too. You know it wouldn't hurt ya to give it a try yourself. Right here on my blog would be nice,....I dare ya...leave a 6-word comment about how you like to get out there and move it!