Friday, August 1, 2008

Left wheelchair, saw mountaintop, skied down


You've heard of the 6-word biography, haven't you? (I'll provide the links later when I update this) - anyway, this morning I was reading the six-word slam in a blog about women's fitness. Yes, I was reading about fitness, go ahead and tee-hee, I did. Irony really tickles me pink. Anyway, women were asked to write something that "encompasses all that fitness is and does for us." After reading many a cool response, like "hotter at 37 than at 17," I was inspired to write something about being outside, moving, and what makes my heart sing. So, you're surprised that I, Miss-Wordy-Thing could actually say it in six? Yeah, me, too. You know it wouldn't hurt ya to give it a try yourself. Right here on my blog would be nice,....I dare ya...leave a 6-word comment about how you like to get out there and move it!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just testing the anonymous feature