Thursday, October 30, 2008

If You Like Storytelling...

Well, let me tell you's my new favorite source of entertainment. So favorite, in fact, I can't stop asking James, "Honey, do ya wanna listen to The Moth podcast?"

I don't know why this usually makes him groan, because he always likes it when he does give in and listen. If you like storytelling and storylistening, You'll love The Moth, too.

It was on Ira Glass' This American Life, that I first heard a Moth story so hilarious I had to track it down to learn more. Yes, I said something was "hilarious" on This American Life. (James and I both quite frequently find that program more than just a little dysphoric. The topics are often very somber and even tragic, yet, I find it more and more compelling, much to James' consternation.) (Nice segue to the Moth, Lisa!)

Founded in New York City, the Moth was created by a member of group of folks who used to gather on someone's screened porch somewhere in the South to tell stories. A hole in the screen provided entry to a moth. The storytellers thought the characters of their stories were drawn to adventure, or certain people, or whatever the theme like a moth to flame. Hence, the name. If you're a friend of mine, you're probably going to find out about it the next time I give you a gift CD, otherwise, you can find out more about it on their website, which offers free subscription to podcasts.

Check it out and tell me what you think.

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