Friday, July 25, 2008

And I Don't Look Much Better!


Isn't this depressing? This is Burgess status post his second suture repair of a deep cut between the toes. Yes, all the stitches from last time were ripped out somehow. We were 4 or 5 days into the two-week period of recuperation (read "confinement") - laying really low and each of us losing our mind from lack of contact with the woods, then BAM! Start all over again. I'd post my picture too, but as an English lady I once knew used to say, "I don't want to frighten the horses!" Lip curl could be permanent this time.
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1 comment:

Juan Antonio said...

Hi, it,s a pleasute to be here with you again.

My German Shepherd has a deep cut betweeen his toes as well. He is very nervous and aggressive because he has been in his house without running and playng.

I was outside with him today and he was wery happy again.

I,m happy because you wrote in my blog. I,d like to be your pen friend.

The best for you.

Juan Antonio

Villarrica/Pucón - Chile