Friday, July 11, 2008

Lip Curl Moments of the Week

  1. I got the dirty dog blues x 2 - after visiting the swimming hole for hip rehab, my golden did his best imitation of a pig and rolled in the dirt until he was unrecognizably coated in black grit. This was not surprising, but a real pain when I was down on my charms to cajole him back to the water for a rinse off. Of course this happened while the housekeeper was cleaning - so no taking him into the house. Good neighbors Gerard and Linda came to the emotional rescue when I was at wits end and rinsed him off. Lip uncurled for now....
  2. Dermatologist called. "You know that mole we took off your face 3 weeks ago? Yeah, its basal cell carcinoma. Please come back next month so we can dig around near your eye and get the rest out." Lip curl plus growl like a dog, swear and cry, geez this makes me mad.
  3. ADA nightmare - 102 deg F, hot town, back of my neck all dirty and gritty, can't get into the salon for my 1pm highlights and haircut, because the office that provides wheelchair access is closed until 1:45pm! One beer and one crappy pizza later, I return, that much hotter, that much more tired, and get my hair done. A pretty new hair-do sure can uncurl your lip until you can call the ADA compliance dude.

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