Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sweet Moment of the Week

Kim and Dave: "Lisa, we're heading to the Galena Forest with a picnic and wine, would love for you to join us....but no pressure." (Read, "We know you're having a rough time, and we'd like to help, if that doesn't push you over the edge!)

A nice easy invitation to a beautiful and peaceful place with good friends - just what I needed to remove the crusty layer from my "it's been one of those weeks" mood.

My friends found a new spot in this park that I consider part of my backyard. A hilltop clearing in the woods with a big spread of lawn and a few picnic tables. All in easy wheelchair access, too, how 'bout that?!

Sorry, no picture, I was too tightly wound to do anything more than get myself and my dog out the door. Too bad, the late afternoon sun filtered through the pine trees lighting and shading the world in my favorite way.


Juan Antonio said...

Fantastic place, beautiful people, wonderful moments...

Congratulations! I love you are so happy.

Lisa said...

Hola, Juan. Thank you for visiting all the way from Chile. Do you read my blog in English or have it translated? What made you happy this week?
Thanks, Lisa